Medicine Bottles

Medicine Bottle
Pratt Food Company
This colic concoction was used for large animals such as horses. The presence of this substance in Walker's home reminds us that she once had a horse and carriage for her main mode of transportation.
Glass, paper. H 15.4, W 2.3, L 4.8 cm
Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site, MAWA 3685
Medicine Bottle
World's Dispensary Medical Association
A remedy for the "many weaknesses and complaints of females," Dr. Pierce's prescription was made of mostly alcohol.
Glass, paper, cork. H 21.2, W 3.9, L 7.8 cm
Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site, MAWA 3687
Medicine Bottle
Rydale Remedy Company
Rydale's emulsified liniment oil was manufactured an hour away from Richmond in Newport News, VA during Walker's lifetime.
Glass, paper. H 18.8, W 3.4, L 6.4 cm
Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site, MAWA 3678